Clear your canvas.

What is the magic of breaking free from past patterns? I think the most significant step, maybe the only step we are truly capable of taking, is to change the canvas upon which patterns can be drawn.

I find it doubtful that we are empowered with free will. The illusion of free will is too often thought to bring comfort, but in the end, like all lies, it poisons. It poisons and distracts. We can waste a lifetime trying to marshal our will power… something that is simply beyond the ability of our biology. Would it not be better to change what we can change, change our environment, and in doing so provide a new canvas upon which new patterns can be drawn?

And what better way to clear your canvas and paint anew than to banish dangerous passions. It is best said in a favorite Stoic Maxim that says…

“It is easier to banish dangerous passions than to rule them; it is easier not to admit them than to keep them in order once admitted; for when they have established themselves in possession of the mind they are more powerful than the lawful ruler, and will not permit themselves to be weakened or abridged.”

One might question what distinguishes a dangerous passion from a passion that is simply annoying? If the above maxim is true, even mildly annoying passions possess a kernel of power that once given entrance into our world can make themselves dangerous. Is it not better to eliminate the option of choosing such distractions altogether and seek a world filled with good choices?

So, let us start today with a clean canvas, free of counterproductive and dangerous options, doubting not what we know in the light of this moment, letting our brush draw its color from the best of us and paint our world anew.